About your federation

Bolton GP Federation is a collective vehicle where Bolton’s GPs and GP practice teams (who form our board and hold us to account on behalf of Primary Care Networks and practices) come together to deliver primary care services.

How we are helping people living in Bolton

Working together

The Federation is a membership organisation for all the family doctor practices in Bolton. Coming together as a Federation helps practices work differently in order to meet the challenge of delivering modern primary care.

Working for GPs

As more people with complex health needs receive care in the community, GPs are having to reshape and transform their services to benefit from economies of scale. 

Working for you

Primary care is central to the health and wellbeing of patients, their carers and the wider community. We already see in this current climate and times and its importance will grow.

Bolton GP Practices

Bolton Pharmacies

Get in touch

If you are interested to learn more about working with or joining our federation please contact us for more information.