
You must be aware of any changes to your body & any new or worrying symptoms; it is doubtful that it will be cancer. However, it is important to speak to your GP so further investigations can be arranged. If your GP suspects cancer, they’ll refer you to a specialist, usually within 2 weeks.

The earlier you find cancer, the easier it is to treat.

Here are some signs & symptoms to be aware of:

  • A cough for three weeks or more
  • Changes to your usual bowel habits
  • Bloating for more than three weeks
  • If you have any unexplained bleeding:
  • Lumps – it is important to check your breast, underarms, groin and testicles for any new lumps or changes.
  • Changes to a mole
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Tummy or back pain (including a dull pain that’s always there or a sharp pain that comes and goes.
  • Indigestion & Heartburn
  • Itchy or yellow skin
  • Feeling tired and unwell

General symptoms

Unexplained bleeding or bruising

Any unexplained bleeding is a sign that something might be wrong. You should always ask your GP to check it. This can include:

  • blood in your pee (urine), poo (stools), spit or vomit
  • bruises when you have not hurt yourself
  • vaginal bleeding between periods, after sex or after the menopause.

If you notice a new or unexplained lump or swelling anywhere on your body, talk to your GP. It can be useful to tell them:

  • how long it has been there
  • if it is getting bigger
  • if it is painful or uncomfortable.

If you have a new, unexplained pain anywhere in your body for 3 weeks or more, ask your GP to check it.

Tell your GP if you have ongoing, severe tiredness for no obvious reason.

It is normal to have a high temperature (fever) when you have an infection. You may also have sweats and hot flushes if you are going through the menopause.

But tell your GP if you have infections or unexplained fevers that:

  • last a long time
  • keep coming back
  • regularly soak your bed clothes with sweat overnight.

Tell your GP if you lose weight:

  • without trying to
  • without changing your diet or doing more physical activity.

Symptoms that affect how you eat

Loss of appetite

Tell your GP if you regularly:

  • do not feel like eating as much as you normally do
  • feel full quickly when you eat.

If you have any difficulty swallowing or chewing, or a feeling that something is stuck in your throat, you should get it checked by your GP.

You may get indigestion or heartburn after eating a large, spicy meal. But you should tell your GP if you get indigestion or heartburn that happens most days for 3 weeks or more, or if it is very painful.

Bladder and bowel symptoms

Swollen tummy

Tell your GP if you have a bloated or swollen tummy (abdomen) that happens often or lasts a long time. It can help to tell them how long you have had this symptom and how often it happens. Feeling bloated can be caused by many different conditions and some types of cancer. In particular, it can be one of the symptoms of cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube or peritoneum.

If you have any of the following changes for 3 weeks or more, tell your GP:

    • loose or runny poo (diarrhoea)
    • hard poo (constipation)
    • needing to poo (empty your bowels) more often than usual
    • changes to the usual routine of when you need to poo
    • changes to the size or amount of poo when you go
    • blood in your poo, on the toilet paper or in the toilet

Lots of things can cause bowel changes, including a simple change in your diet. But they can sometimes be a symptom of bowel cancer.

Talk to your GP if you have any problems peeing. This includes:

    • a weak flow or needing to strain to start peeing
    • needing to pee more often than usual
    • needing to pee urgently
    • pain when you pee
    • blood in your pee.

Problems peeing can be caused by many conditions, including some cancers. In particular, they can sometimes be a symptom of prostate cancer.

Symptoms that affect your speech or breathing

Coughs or breathlessness

Breathing or chest problems are common and can be caused by many things. Sometimes they can be a sign of lung cancer. Tell your GP if you:

  • have a cough for more than 3 weeks
  • have a cough that gets worse
  • feel out of breath for no reason
  • have breathlessness that is getting worse
  • cough up blood.

You may get a hoarse voice if you have a cold or severe indigestion. If it lasts for more than 3 weeks, ask your GP to check it.

Symptoms that affect your skin

Changes to a mole

See your GP straight away if you notice a new mole, a change in an existing mole, or a change in your skin.

Most sores heal very quickly. If you have a sore or mouth ulcer that has not healed after several weeks, you should get it checked by your GP.

Symptoms in other parts of the body

Breast, chest or nipple changes

A lump in the breast is the most common symptom of breast cancer. But you should also visit your GP if you notice any other changes to the look or feel of your breast, chest, nipple or armpit.

Most people get headaches from time to time, often because of stress or tension. But if your headaches are getting worse over time or are different from the headaches you usually get, tell your GP.

It is particularly important to tell your GP if:

  • your headaches wake you up at night
  • your headaches are worse in the morning
  • you also feel sick
  • you notice a change in your eyesight.

If you have any changes in how your penis and testicles feel or work, talk to your GP or local sexual health service. You might feel awkward or embarrassed talking about personal problems. But healthcare professionals often have conversations like this, and it is important to get the information you need.

Changes include:

  • a lump or sore on the penis
  • a swelling or a lump in a testicle
  • a swelling or lump where the leg joins to the body (the groin)
  • a dull ache, pain or heaviness in the scrotum
  • problems getting an erection
  • pain or bleeding when you ejaculate (come).

If you notice any changes in your vulva or vagina, talk to your GP or local sexual health service. You might feel awkward or embarrassed talking about personal problems. But healthcare professionals often have conversations like this, and it is important to get the information you need.

Changes include:

  • a lump, swelling or sore in the vulva or vagina
  • a swelling or lump where the leg joins to the body (the groin)
  • itching, burning or soreness in the vulva or vagina
  • thick or raised red, white or dark patches of skin of the vulva
  • a mole on the vulva that changes shape or colour
  • unusual vaginal discharge, such as watery, blood-stained or smelly discharge
  • heavier or more painful periods than usual
  • bleeding between periods, after sex or after the menopause.